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Harper Beckham shows off her fashion colours: David and Victoria's girl, 10, shows she has a flair for funky footwear and eye-catching outfitsĭavid Beckham crosses paths with wife Victoria's Spice Girl pal Geri Horner and her husband Christian as he attends Miami F1 Grand PrixĪnt McPartlin beams leaving BAFTA TV Awards with glam wife Anne-Marie and Declan Donnelly as the triumphant duo lead the departuresīAFTA TV AWARDS 2022: 'I am in bits!' Viewers are moved to tears as In Memoriam pays tribute to late Dennis Waterman and June BrownīAFTA TV AWARDS 2022: Mo Gilligan reveals his mental health 'wasn't in the best place' as he lauds Channel 4 during his acceptance speechīAFTA TV AWARDS 2022: 'A fighter, a gentleman.

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